NuGenius/NuGenius+ – Érintőképernyős géldok rendszer
Kat.: NuGeniusÉrintőképernyős vezérlés, DNS és fehérje gélek, kolónia számlálás, festék nélküli gélek (NuGenius+), automata zoom, fehérfény, UV és kékfény opciók, fluoreszcens és látható festésű gélek dokumentálása
A termék konfigurálásával, kiegészítőivel kapcsolatban kérem, keresse kollégáinkat!
Complete gel documentation workstation
NuGenius is the ultimate in compact gel documentation workstations. Using a choice of UV, blue or white lighting options you can capture and edit images of fluorescent ethidium bromide, SYBR® Safe or GelGreenTM DNA gels and protein gels stained with Coomassie Blue at the workstation. You can even capture stain free gel images using a NuGenius+ which is specially optimised for this application.
For an entry level system, the NuGenius comes with a ground breaking 5 million pixel camera giving superb pixel resolution and unrivalled sensitivity. NuGenius offers a maximum viewing area of 20 x 24cm which is very large for such a small, compact unit.
NuGenius+ has been designed for stain free applications.
Gel imaging at a touch
- Compact workstation
Plenty of bench space for your research - Complete with built-in processor, touch screen and NuGenius software
Easily capture and edit images on screen without a computer - Motor driven zoom lens
Automatic set up for easy image capture - 5m pixel camera
Resolves close bands and detects nanogram amounts - White, UV and blue lighting options
Flexibility to image fluorescent and visibly stained gels - Stain free imaging capability with the NuGenius+
Capture images of stain free acrylamide gels and many more - Optional networking capability to save images to a private network*
Easily share and store your results - GeneTools software (unlimited copies)
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