529–540 termék, összesen 540 db
LSC és gamma számlálók
Sejt-, kolóniaszámlálók és zónamérők
Mágneses keverők
Rázók, Keverők
Folyékony nitrogén (LN) tárolók
Lamináris, biohazard és elszívó fülkék
Homogenizátorok, koncentrátorok
Laboratóriumi centrifugák
pH mérők
Kat.: 325.00 V01
Mikrocentrifuga Z 216 M
Gyártó: HERMLE Labortechnik GmbH
Rotor nélkül
Capable of centrifuging up to 44 x 1,5 / 2,0 ml at each run.
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Kat.: 328.00 P01
Mikrocentrifuga Z 207 M rotorral
Gyártó: HERMLE Labortechnik GmbH
Szögrotorral: 20 x 1.5 ml/ 2.0 ml csövekhez (hermetikus)
The rapid acceleration allows short running time, with a max. speed of 13,500 rpm. Even with the high speed, this centrifuge is pleasantly quite.
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Kat.: 328.00 V01
Mikrocentrifuga Z 207 M
Gyártó: HERMLE Labortechnik GmbH
Rotor nélkül
The Microlitre Centrifuge, Z 207 M was designed specifically for small, compact spaces, suitable in any laboratory. The rapid acceleration allows short running time, with a max. speed of 13,500 rpm. Even with the high speed, this centrifuge is pleasantly quite.
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Kat.: 331.00 P01
Hematokrit centrifuga Z 207 H
Gyártó: HERMLE Labortechnik GmbH
Due to its compact design, the Hematocrit Centrifuge Z 207 H is even in the smallest laboratory applicable. It is used for quick and easy determination of the erythrocyte content in the blood (hematocrit level). In a very short time, up the 24 capillary tubes can be accelerated to 16,058 xg.
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Kat.: 326.00 P04
Kompakt centrifuga Z 207 A kombi-rotorral
Gyártó: HERMLE Labortechnik GmbH
Kombi-rotorral: 4 x 50 ml vagy 4 x 15 ml RB/Falcon csövekhez
The compact centrifuge Z 207 A is ideal for medical practices and laboratories with a small number of samples. Reaches a max. speed of 6,800 rpm and accordingly 4,445 x g!
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Kat.: 326.00 P01
Kompakt centrifuga Z 207 A rotorral
Gyártó: HERMLE Labortechnik GmbH
Szögrotorral: 8 x 15 ml RB vagy 4 x 15 ml Falcon csövekhez
The compact centrifuge Z 207 A is ideal for medical practices and laboratories with a small number of samples. Reaches a max. speed of 6,800 rpm and accordingly 4,445 x g!
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Kat.: 306.00 V01
Kompakt centrifuga Z 206 A
Gyártó: HERMLE Labortechnik GmbH
Rotor nélkül
The Z 206 A accepts up to 12 x15 ml conical and round button tubes. For tubes with smaller dimensions we offer several adapters. For larger volumes we offer an angle rotor fo 6 x 50 ml conical and round buttom tubes.
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Kat.: 306.00 P01
Kompakt centrifuga Z 206 A rotorral
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Kat.: 332.00 P01
Mikrocentrifuga Z 167 rotorral
Gyártó: HERMLE Labortechnik GmbH
Szögrotorral: 18 x 1.5 ml (2.0) ml csövekhez
The Z 216 M and Z 216 MK are setting new standards in this centrifuge class. Capable of centrifuging up to 44 x 1,5 / 2,0 ml at each run. Due to their compact design and quiet running they are fitting perfectly in their working area.
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Kat.: 324.00 V01
Minicentrifuga Z 130 M kombi-rotorral
Gyártó: HERMLE Labortechnik GmbH
Kombi-rotorral: 12 x 1.5 ml ( 2.0) ml ?s 4 hely 8 x 0.2 ml PCR sztripeknek
Unlike traditional mini centrifuges, the Z 130 M eliminates the need to change the rotors, when switching between microtubes and PCR strips.
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