Luna-FL fluoreszcens automata sejtszámláló
Kat.: L20001Kettős fluoreszcencia, sejtszám mérés, életképesség vizsgálat, GFP transzfekciós hatékonyság vizsgálat, számos sejttípus felismerése
With four counting modes, the LUNA-FL™ is our powerhouse. Equipped with brightfield and dual fluorescence optics that allows the sensitive detection of most cell types excluding bacteria. The LUNA-FL™ can distinguish primary cells such as PBMCs, splenocytes, neutrophils, and stem cells from undesirable debris for accurate cell count and viability results. Brightfield cell counting, fluorescence cell counting, yeast cell counting, and GFP transfection assays are all in the LUNA-FL™ wheelhouse. This versatile little counter sits comfortably in a cell culture hood or on your benchtop to fit seamlessly into your workflow.